Sorry I skipped posting last week. To be honest I was feeling embarrassed because I gained a little less than a pound. So this past week I started doing P90X3 (Thank you Meredith from Beginning New Chapters for loaning it to me). I also have stopped eating sugar so that has helped. I was pretty sure I had a sugar addiction until I drank some kombucha and then my body went into detox mode, so now I am positive I had a sugar addiction. I am glad to be on the up and doing better, sugar free! So with all that said I will tell you my results. When I weighed myself yesterday I weighed 211.6 pounds! Wahoo!
I am excited to see what I will weigh next week with this new mindset, exercise routine, and eating habits. I am leaving today to go to Tennessee with some friends and our kids and we will be doing lots of hiking and playing so I know it will be good for my body there too. Plus fresh mountain air is just good for the soul! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week! Oh and stay tuned... on Wednesday I will be posting who the winner of the giveaway is... if you haven't already you should enter!
Starting Weight: 224.4
Weight this week: 211.6
Total weight loss: 12.8 lbs
Way to go!!!! :) Have fun in Tennessee!! One of my favorite places! :D